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The Basic Rules of Texas Hold’Em

Learn the basics before you start playing!

Daniel Negreanu poker champion

Texas Hold’Em is probably the most popular card game. Every person on the planet has played or at least heard about it. This is every casino’s favorite because of the high interest and even higher stakes.

The game’s popularity started spiking in the early late 90s and early 2000s due to the high exposure on TV. Great movies like Rounders and Casino Royale were some of the most famous.

These days, no casino can run a successful business if it doesn’t have Texas Hold’Em in its vault. The game is now more reachable than ever. An interesting fact about the game is that you can now play it from the comfort of your home, thanks to the online casinos.

They expanded rapidly in the last couple of years and enabled players to gain access to the games at any place and at any time. Casino sites like even have live poker games and tournaments, where you can win massive rewards. Now, let’s explain the rules of play.

Rules of Play

First of all, Hold’Em is a community card game. There can be 2-10 players on one table. Each player is dealt with 2 cards from a 52-French deck. The lowest card is 2 and the highest is A. The individuals are playing to get the full prize pool called the pot.

After the players are dealt with 2 cards, each one of them needs to decide whether to check, call, or raise. After each clockwise lap finishes, the dealer unveils a community card on the table. A total of 5 community cards are shown and each player needs to combine the two cards in his hands with the ones on the table. The person that has the best hand wins.

If by any chance, one of the cards in hand is revealed by accident, the game is considered a Misdeal and the dealer retrieves the cards and the game restarts.

Hand Values

There are 10 hand values in this game. The lowest is the Highcard in which the player doesn’t have any value but has the highest value of a card in his hands. Next, we have a Pair and Two Pairs. These occur when the player has one or two cards with the same value. When a player has three cards of the same value, he gets Three of a Kind. Straight and Flush are pretty powerful in this game. A Straight hand happens when you have a sequence of 5 cards in increasing value. Flush, on the other hand, occurs when you have 5 cards of the same suit.

Full House and Four of a Kind are next in the increasing list of values. Full House is a combination of Three of a Kind and a Pair. Four of a Kind occurs when you have 4 cards of the same value. Finally, Straight Flush and Royal Flush are the most powerful values in the game. Straight Flush is a Straight of the same suit and Royal Flush is a Straight Flush from 10 to A.

Players can win millions if they have the skill to predict how each game will go. You need to be able to read your opponents and play the best with the hand that you are dealt with.



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